Well, almost twins, they are beautiful, quiet, and don't eat much! They were delivered yesterday - new GE Profile washer and dryer in champagne. They are awesome. Doing laundry is a delight. I can't get over how quiet they are...you can't hear them at all. We also got the smart dispense which depending on the weight of your load dispenses the correct amount of detergent, fabric softener and water. So they are great energy savers. The kids love them as well. My daughter, who is 12, actually unloaded the washer and put the clothes in the dryer. She hasn't ever done this before! It's nice. Aren't they beautiful?!
My best friend came up this past weekend. It sure was nice seeing her. I miss her so much. She moved back to Nashville last year...actually Greenbriar, which is near Goodlettsville. We had a great time visiting and making jewerly together. She wasn't feeling good, however. After she went home on Sunday she went to the doctor...she has an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection. Bummer. The last time we got together she was sick. I hope next time she will feel good. I am starting to get a complex! The great part is one of her daughters is my daughter's best friend. So, all in all it was a great weekend.
I also did a little shopping the other day and bought some new spring clothes. Just a few to update my wardrobe. Now I need to go through my closet and get rid of things I don't wear or that are out of style. I hang on to my clothes for so long, it is terrible! That is a chore for later.
This weekend I am looking forward to my in-laws coming into town. They came up on January to spend my birthday with me, but I ended up having to go to Oklahoma for my father. So, we are going to do the birthday thing this weekend. They are great people, and I love them very much. Mom is going to help me with knitting. I want to knit a pair of socks, and you have to use four needles...I tried but I got totally lost! She is a great knitter, and I know she will be able to help.
Maybe one day I will get better at this blogging thing. I have so many pictures I need to post!
Until next time -

I also did a little shopping the other day and bought some new spring clothes. Just a few to update my wardrobe. Now I need to go through my closet and get rid of things I don't wear or that are out of style. I hang on to my clothes for so long, it is terrible! That is a chore for later.
This weekend I am looking forward to my in-laws coming into town. They came up on January to spend my birthday with me, but I ended up having to go to Oklahoma for my father. So, we are going to do the birthday thing this weekend. They are great people, and I love them very much. Mom is going to help me with knitting. I want to knit a pair of socks, and you have to use four needles...I tried but I got totally lost! She is a great knitter, and I know she will be able to help.
Maybe one day I will get better at this blogging thing. I have so many pictures I need to post!
Until next time -