"Say it, say it out loud"....."Vampire".

Yes, I am a Twilight freak! This weekend my youngest daughter (11) and I went to Nashville to meet my other daughter (24) to see the premier of Twilight. We went to the 7:00 p.m. showing and it was sold out. We arrived one hour early...got in line and our group took up almost a whole row.

The teenaged girls at the theatre cracked us up! They were screaming and carrying on whenever Edward's or Jacob's face came on the screen. So hilarious.
I think they did a great job choosing the cast for this movie. Even though it was impossible to do the book justice - the movie was still great. I really loved it. I loved the humor they put into the movie as well.
I am looking forward the New Moon. As you Twilight junkies know, the next one is in the works. Can't wait!!!!!
We had a great girls weekend. We spent Saturday shopping....trying to get some ideas for Christmas, bought some wonderful bagels at Panera Bread - yum. That evening we watched the movie Wall-E with the grandkids. It was a really cute movie. Sunday was spent at my daughter's inlaws' house for lunch then we made the drive back home.
It sure was nice to sleep in my own bed and get a good night's sleep. Then back to reality and work!
All in all a great weekend spent with my two favorite girls.