I have been seeing a lot of talk on different groups that I am in regarding scrapbook rooms. Last year (finished in December) we added on a room to our house for my scrapbook room. It is a 16x30 room with a bathroom. It is great for holding classes. This way, I don't have to run my family out of the room. Before, my husband resigned himself to the bedroom to be out of the way. Now, everyone can go about their business without being disturbed. If you want to view more pictures of my room, you can go to the following site http://tinyurl.com/yv7ssr.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
I am really loving my space. I am still looking to maximize the space I have, because I seem to already be running out of room! (Guess I need to quit buying stuff)! LOL I know that I just need to be creative with some of the space I have...but I just haven't come up with anything yet. So, I am always open to suggestions.